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未命名 2024年12月18日 21:35 2 傲茵
酒店高参任命每周二与酒店高参相约酒店高层任命,不见不散!酒店高参投稿邮箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,传讯总监加编辑微信号:18126469848  可申请加入酒店高参传讯联盟。最新任命 2022年第 2 期 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 任命新总经理  简卡伦(Karan Jain)先生 丽思卡尔顿酒店集团宣布任命简卡伦先生(Karan Jain) 为深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理。 简卡伦先生是一名游历全球的资深酒店职业经理人,尤其在餐饮管理法方面拥有精深的专业知识和扎实的从业经验。他于2003年在美国迈阿密比斯坎湾丽思卡尔顿酒店开始了他的酒店职业生涯。2005年他成为加勒比海岸大开曼岛丽思卡尔顿酒店筹备开业的成员之一,随后该酒店作为品牌旗舰店之一被评为AAA级钻石酒店。2009年,他加入正在筹备开业的美国鸽子山丽思卡尔顿酒店,该酒店连续几年承办埃森哲职业高尔夫球锦标赛。 作为一名旅游爱好者和喜欢体验不同国家文化背景的他在2011年加入了阿曼阿尔布斯坦宫丽思卡尔顿酒店任职餐饮总监,参与了酒店由洲际集团转换为丽思卡尔顿集团管理模式的过程。2013年简卡伦来到中国首次加入深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店担任主管餐饮的行政副总经理。2016年加入广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店任酒店经理。在万豪集团收购喜达屋集团后,2017年简卡伦被万豪集团任命为南京圣和府邸豪华精选酒店总经理,2018年加入北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店担任总经理,在任期间,酒店在客户满意度,利润率和平均每日房价上均取得了不俗增长。 过去的18年间,简卡伦还具有其他8家奢华酒店的开业经验,并且曾担任印尼雅加达太古广场丽思卡尔顿酒店和成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店代理总经理一职。 作为一名多年来始终践行丽思卡尔顿黄金标准的绅士,简卡伦对此次再次回到深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店担任总经理的全新征途充满期待,他表示“深圳是一个充满无限可能的活力之都,深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店也是一家在过去12年间屡受赞誉的标杆酒店,我将致力于与酒店全体绅士淑女携手并进,进一步提升酒店的市场认可,业绩表现和客户满意度,为宾客持续创造独特、难忘和个性化的体验”。 简卡伦先生于2001年毕业于瑞士蒙特勒酒店管理学院,取得瑞士酒店管理文凭。2003年毕业于美国迈阿密佛罗里达国际大学,取得度假村酒店管理学士学位。 The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Karan Jain as the new General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhe. Mr. Jain started his career with The Ritz-Carlton Company in 2003 in Key Biscayne, Florida. He continued to develop his métier in various management roles with the Luxury brand across different continents at The Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman, The Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain, Al Bustan Palace, a Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Oman, The Ritz-Carlton Shenzhen, The Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou, The Grand Mansion Nanjing, A Luxury Collection, and most recently at The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street, where he served as the General Manager for the last three and a half years. He has participated in 11 new hotel openings in the past 18 years. With his focused and goal-oriented luxury approach he is highly regarded throughout The Ritz-Carlton Brand. As a seasoned hotel management expert, Mr. Jain’s wealth of knowledge in F&B operations and overall hotel managerial experience, as well as his business acumen and strong leadership skills, will be important assets to further develop the hotel’s products and services and enhance its prestigious image. He is dedicated to ensuring that The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen will stay the city’s top luxury hotel. About his return to Shenzhen, Mr. Karan Jain said, “I am very excited to be back in Shenzhen. This is a dynamic city full of endless possibilities, and The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen is an outstanding hotel with a renowned reputation that has lasted for more than 12 years. I aim to ensure that the hotel solidifies its luxury status and market leadership position by delivering only the very best products, facilities and services.”   Mr. Jain also views his appointment as the ultimate challenge to further advance The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen’s reputation as the preferred choice for both business and leisure travelers from around the world by creating unique, memorable, and personal experiences. 哈尔滨永泰喜来登酒店 任命新总经理  郑海燕女士 近日,万豪集团正式任命郑海燕女士为哈尔滨永泰喜来登酒店新任总经理,她将全面负责酒店的日常运营和管理。 郑海燕女士拥有26年丰富的国际酒店管理经验。曾先后在香格里拉、万豪、喜达屋、凯宾斯基、洲际、希尔顿等国际知名酒店管理集团担任要职。此次履新哈尔滨永泰喜来登酒店,将凭借专业强大的销售经验、敏锐的市场洞察力和卓越的领导力,带领整个团队在新的一年,为酒店创造更高的业绩。 郑海燕女士深得整个团队的尊重,相信凭借她丰富的经验、精准的市场知识以及高度的热忱,郑海燕女士将在新的岗位上带领她的团队一如既往,再创佳绩,开创哈尔滨永泰喜来登酒店商务住宿与休闲旅游双重领域华丽绽放的新篇章!从而进一步巩固哈尔滨永泰喜来登酒店的市场地位。 Recently, Marriott International by Sheraton Harbin Xiangfang Hotel announces the appointment of Ms. Vivian Zheng as its new General Manager. She will be fully in charge of management and operations of the entire hotel. Vivian has 26 years of experience in hospitality industry. She has been working in operation and sales field at different hotel groups, such as Shangri-La, Marriott, Starwood, Kempinski, InterContinental and Hilton. Vivian joined Marriott International by Sheraton Harbin Xiangfang Hotel in December 2021 With her professional experience in sales and marketing, keen market insight as well as outstanding leadership, In her new position, Ms. Vivian Zheng will lead her team to continue to make great achievements, and open a new chapter for Sheraton Harbin Xiangfang Hotel in business accommodation and leisure tourism.  Vivian is well respected by the entire team and with her extensive experience and strong knowledge of the market as well as great enthusiasm in the industry, she is ready to lead her team and continues to build on more successes by refreshing services to both the business and leisure travelers in her new role. Thus further consolidate Sheraton Harbin Xiangfang Hotel market position.  淄博喜来登酒店 任命新总经理  马丽(Maggie Ma)女士 淄博喜来登酒店正式任命Maggie Ma马丽女士为新一任总经理。自2022年1月起,她将全面负责酒店的日常运营和管理工作。 马丽女士拥有超过18年的酒店管理经验,尤其是在酒店运营和销售等领域表现尤为突出,曾任职于洲际、万豪等多家国际知名酒店管理品牌,并多次参与酒店筹开,积累了丰富的酒店管理经验,对销售管理具有丰富独到的见解,具备敏锐的市场洞察力和出色的团队领导力。 同时,她极为关注宾客体验、客人满意度和员工忠诚度。 2020年新冠疫情开始,给酒店业的经营和发展带来了巨大的压力。马丽女士在酒店运营和收益管理方面拥有卓越能力,任职总经理期间,不仅顺利完成酒店的年收益计划,更在宾客体验,集团品牌推广、员工团队发展及防疫安全等方面取得了不俗的成绩。淄博喜来登开业至今,已经成为颇受业界认同、市场赞誉的商务酒店翘楚,相信在马丽女士的引领下,必将带领淄博喜来登管理团队创造出更加骄人的业绩。 Sheraton Zibo Hotel has appointed Maggie Ma as its new General Manager. She will assume overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations and management of the hotel from January 2022. Maggie has more than 18 years of experience in hotel management, especially in the field of hotel operation and marketing. She has worked for many international famous hotel management brands such as Intercontinental and Marriott, and participated in the hotel pre-opening for many times. She has accumulated rich experience in hotel management and has rich unique insights on sales management. Have keen market insight and excellent team leadership. She also focuses on guest experience, guest satisfaction and employee loyalty. The start of COVID-19 in 2020 has brought great pressure to the operation and development of the hotel industry. Maggie has excellent ability in hotel operation and revenue management. During her tenure as general manager, she successfully completed not only the annual revenue plan of the hotel, but also made remarkable achievements in guest experience, brand promotion, team talents development and epidemic prevention and safety.Since its opening, Sheraton Zibo has become a business hotel leader recognized by the industry and praised by the market. We believe that under the leadership of Maggie, Sheraton Zibo will lead the management team to create more outstanding performance. 苏州科技城托尼洛·兰博基尼ROSSO酒店 任命新总经理  蔡洁(Shirley Cai)女士 苏州科技城托尼洛·兰博基尼ROSSO酒店正式任命Shirley Cai蔡洁女士为酒店总经理。自2021年12月起, 她将全面负责酒店筹备开业, 以及开业后的日常运营和管理工作,以丰富的管理经验带领首家托尼洛·兰博基尼ROSSO酒店以不同的方式呈现灵动的ROSSO LIFE, 为每一位客人打造足以放松倚赖又不失个性的入住体验。  Shirley拥有25年酒店行业经验,曾经担任苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店地标建筑酒店驻店经理,苏州托尼洛·兰博基尼书苑酒店行政助理总经理,曾服务于多家国际酒店品牌,在充满挑战的行业竞争中,多次引领酒店团队突破传统思维,及时调整运营模式,推动酒店持续为宾客创造个性化的服务体验,并提高每一位酒店入住宾客的满意度。  We are honored to announce that Mrs. Shirley Cai has officially joined Suzhou Science and Technology City Tonino Lamborghini ROSSO Hotel on December 1, 2021, and was appointed as the General Manager of the Hotel. Shirley has 25 years of experience in the hotel industry. She once served as the Resident Manager of the landmark architecture hotel of Suzhou -- Crowne Plaza Suzhou and the EAM of Suzhou Tonino Lamborghini Suzhou Hotel. She was very senior in all posts and departments’ management roles. During her tenure in different posts, she led the teams to work hard together and obtained many good achievements and received clients’ praises. Please join us in welcoming Shirley Cai, wishing her success in her new position and giving her our best support and assistance.   三亚崖州湾度假村希尔顿格芮精选酒店 任命新总经理  冯俊毅先生 近日,冯俊毅(Mr.Rocky Feng)先生被任命为三亚崖州湾度假村希尔顿格芮精选酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的经营管理。 冯俊毅先生是山东潍坊人,毕业于瑞士里诺士国际酒店管理学院,过去的12年里,先后服务于凯宾斯基酒店集团、万豪国际酒店集团以及希尔顿酒店集团等多家国际酒店品牌。不同品牌、多重角色的从业经历,丰富了他在高端国际酒店的实践管理经验。 2016年,冯俊毅先生出任海口鲁能希尔顿酒店商务总监,回归到希尔顿酒店集团的他,利用卓越的市场洞察力与在收益管理上的前瞻思维,在市场统筹规划方面建树颇丰;同时,他敢于创新、敢于挑战的进取精神,也令他在转岗为运营总监后,收获了诸多运营接待上的经验财富。 此次履新前,冯先生担任三亚崖州湾度假村希尔顿格芮精选酒店酒店经理一职已一年有余。在短短一年的时间里,他带领酒店年轻的管理团队在宾客服务、经营收入以及员工关怀机制方面均有显著提升;酒店多次出色完成政府接待工作,并获得海南省接待办及三亚市接待办的感谢及赞扬;同时,酒店也荣誉受评“国家五叶级绿色饭店”、“2021-2022党政机关会议定点饭店”“2021全国绿色饭店领跑者Top100”、“海南省酒店与餐饮协会——会议型酒店”、“中国婚礼高峰论坛——最具人气目的地婚礼度假酒店”等多项殊荣。 “非常荣幸以一个全新的身份与我的团队继续并肩作战, 2022年,我们会利用崖州的地域特质与Curio文化探索的品牌潜质持续为宾客营造引人入胜的度假体验,并不断为海南岛自贸港建设贡献绵薄之力”冯俊毅先生表示。 Mr. Rocky Feng was appointed as General Manager of Sanya Yazhou Bay Resort Curio Collection by Hilton, who will be responsible for the management and overall operation of the hotel.  Rocky Feng was born in Weifang, Shandong Province, graduating from Les Roches International Hotel Management School in Switzerland. In the past 12 years, he has successively served in Kempinski Hotel Group, Marriott International Hotel Group and Hilton Hotel Group etc. His practical management experience of Luxury and Upper-upscale international hotels was beneficial from the career developed in different brands and multiple roles. In 2016, Rocky returned to Hilton and served as Commercial Director of Hilton Haikou Meilan. With the excellent market insights and forward-looking thought in revenue management, he made great achievements in market planning; at the same time, the enterprising spirit of innovation and being courageous to challenge has also enabled him to gain a lot of experience in operation and reception after he took the role of Director of Operations. Before this announcement, he has served as Hotel Manager of the same hotel for more than one year, where he led his management team to significantly improve guest service, revenue performance and employee care mechanism; the hotel has successfully completed government reception many times, winning the thanks letter from Hainan and Sanya Reception Offices. In addition, the hotel gained a lot of awards, such as Five-leaf Green Hotel, Designated Hotel for Government Conference in 2021-2022, Top 100 Enterprises of China Green Hotel, Hainan Provincial MICE Hotel and Restaurant Reception Committee - MICE Hotel, Wedding Forum of China in 2021 - The Most Popular Wedding Destination Resort and so on.   "It is a great honor to continue fighting with my team in a new capacity. In 2022, we will keep creating an intriguing holiday experience for guests featured with the rich culture of Yazhou and the essence of one-of-a-kind experience of the Curio brand, and also we will dedicate to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port with our Hospitality Value," said Rocky. 本期得票第一名高管将会获得一次酒店高参专访权益投票查看结果,截至2022年1月25日 12:001月11日的酒店高参任命中,我们粉丝选出了最具人气高管,我们近期将为其做一次专访。 第一名:长沙梅溪湖金茂豪华精选酒店任命酒店运营总监谢博 先生 2022 酒店高参与高参成长营  线下活动推荐 (以上:报名点击图片链接)

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